On a periodic basis, ASG conducts extensive global studies of technology buyers, including representation from both the IT organization and Line-of-Business executives and managers. Specifically, ASG seeks to determine the relative level of influence of various influencer groups:- Personal Network/Peer Groups
- Industry Analysts
- Consultants
- Trade Press/General Media
- Vendor Domain Experts
- Vendor Reference Accounts
Further, ASG's studies have quantified the impact of each group at various stages of the sales cycle:
- Maintaining Awareness
- Defining Technology Architecture
- Defining Solution Requirements
- Establishing the Vendor Shortlist
- RFI/RFP Preparation and Evaluatin
- Validating Vendor Selection
- Contract Negotiations
Finally, ASG examines the impact of various influencer groups on major versus routing purchase decisions.
Specific to industry analysts, ASG also examines details related to the reasons your prospects/customers look to the analyst community, and the mechanisms through which companies gain access to analyst information.
Key Deliverables
- Influencers Dashboard is a three-page, easy-to-read, shareable dashboard that presents the most salient findings from our most recent Global Technology Buyers Study.
Why Outsource to ASG
- ASG has conducted several global technology buyer influencer studies and has the ability to identify important trends, as well as key findings that are consistently substantiated study after study
- ASG has conducted individual sponsor-specific technology buyer influencer studies that continue to shape and refine our overall findings
- ASG provides quick, easy access to critical details that answer questions related to the overall and comparative impact of the analyst community on technology purchase decisions
Contact ASG for more information